President Charlie Shields | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
President Charlie Shields | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Governor Michael L. Parson has appointed two new members to the State Board of Education, Tawni Hunt Ferrarini, Ph.D. from St. Charles, and Thomas G. Prater, M.D. from Springfield. Dr. Ferrarini and Dr. Prater are now awaiting confirmation by the Missouri Senate in the coming weeks.
Dr. Ferrarini, the Robert W. Plaster Professor of Economic Education at Lindenwood University's Hammond Institute, has been actively involved in creating programs to enhance economics education statewide. Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven expressed excitement about their appointment, stating, "Tawni and Tom are clearly engaged in the education community and committed to serving others, so we look forward to welcoming them to the State Board and working with them to serve students, educators, and schools statewide.”
Dr. Ferrarini fills the seat of Donald Claycomb, who has been serving on the State Board of Education since August 2018. State Board of Education President Charlie Shields acknowledged Claycomb's dedication, saying, “As a former educator, Don has a passion for public education that is evident, and we thank him for continuing his service to Missouri students and teachers by serving on the State Board. His perspective has been truly invaluable.” Dr. Ferrarini's term will expire on July 1, 2029.
Dr. Prater, a certified ophthalmologist specializing in LASIK and cataract surgery, brings a wealth of experience to the board. Shields expressed gratitude to Peter F. Herschend, whom Dr. Prater replaces, for his long-standing commitment to public education, stating, “Peter is a persistent champion for public education, and we cannot thank him enough for his service on the board and his commitment to the children in Missouri. His insight and dedication have been greatly appreciated throughout the years.” Dr. Prater's term will expire on July 1, 2031.