President Charlie Shields | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
President Charlie Shields | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA), has developed a new Five-Year Strategic Plan for agricultural education. This plan, set to guide efforts from 2024 to 2029, aims to address the rapid changes occurring in technology, agriculture, and education.
Keith Dietzschold, DESE’s Director of Agricultural Education, stated that "as we navigate the coming years, the priorities developed through this process will guide the work of all stakeholders involved in agricultural education across Missouri." He emphasized the importance of education in supporting Missouri's $93 billion agricultural industry by developing a skilled workforce and informed consumers.
The strategic plan outlines four key priorities: comprehensive reach of agricultural education programs, quality curriculum and resources, agriculture, food, and natural resources literacy, as well as quality instructors and instruction. Each priority is supported by guiding themes linked to the Missouri Agricultural Education Vision and Mission statements.
A diverse group comprising educators, administrators, students, government representatives, industry leaders, and other stakeholders participated in a multi-stage process to identify critical issues facing agricultural education in Missouri. Their input helped shape the new vision. Further committee work is scheduled for this fall to establish specific goals and action steps necessary for implementing this vision.